Does SolarView support internationalization?

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SolarView supports over 20 languages, including Dutch, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, and more. Help files are translated automatically to the selected language, however if you find buttons, labels, or prompts that could be improved, feel free to send us … Continued

Do you offer an app for iPhone or Android?

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SolarView currently offers apps for Android, iOS (iPhone/iPad) and Windows. On the Apple App Store or Google Play, you may search for “SolarView for SolarEdge” to find the app. The Windows app may be downloaded here:  

Will SolarView impact my device performance?

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No. SolarView is very efficient and compact software that will have little to no detectable impact on your device operation, even if you leave the app running at all times. SolarView consumes very little memory, storage space, and processing resources. … Continued