—  Version 3.2 —

Version 3.2 introduces an updated user interface featuring a color-coordinated head and information area with graphical elements rather than a block of text.

  • 243 – (Android only) – Update to SDK 44 for Android 14. Google Play billing adjustments. Launch full browser for lifetime licensing to avoid webview cutoff.
  • 242 – Improved response to comms failure. Lifetime licensing option. Fixed errors on power flow display. Fix to day chart display refresh. Show day chart in kWh units (even though collected as kWqh).
  • 241 – Added CloudMonitor service. Updated notification settings page. Added inverter status history to daily report. Added daily report to Reports menu.
  • 240 – Adjust default production graph to sunrise-15 through sunset+15.
  • 239 – Use “System Production” data instead of “Solar Production” data to align display results with SolarEdge web site, for certain sites with consumption meters. Current production chart changed from bar chart to area chart. Production chart view may be toggled between sunrise/sunset and 24-hour view by tapping sunrise/sunset/solarnoon area on display. Fixed info message when tapping “Obsolete” error/ warning. (Windows) Provided fix to work around Java bug that could cause app to hang after several days of operation.
  • 238 – Option to delete user data and registration. Ability to use perpetual license across platforms. (Android) Updated permissions for SDK 33; added category names for notifications. (Windows) Fixed error/ warnings notifications. 238.1: Fixed dark mode label visibility issue. Added workaround to error 500 on power flow query, to allow battery reporting to work regardless of server error.
  • 237 – Fix text field color in iOS dark mode.
  • 236 – Internal update.
  • 235 – Corrected light/dark mode issues. Require proper input values for degradation settings. Disallow invalid characters for Production Estimates on Windows.
  • 234 – Introduced Pro version for iOS to accommodate Apple rules.
  • 233 – Skipped.
  • 232 – (Android only) Fix for display of very long name or address on home screen.
  • 231 – New graphical element user interface introduced. Fix to year comparison charts with greater than three year spread between the two years. Animation corrections on Android. Help screen cosmetic tweaks. Updated documentation.

—  Version 3.1 —

Version 3.1 is a version numbering change to accommodate the Apple app store.

  • 230 – Check for access to SolarEdge server upon startup. Tap info block to show power flow view. Add animations to power flow view.
  • 229 – Added battery history report and battery health and fault monitoring. Improved font handling for accessibility settings (Android). UI fixes.
  • 228 – Added inverted color themes / default on mobile devices. Long press on info section to toggle Inverted mode, or use toggle switch on Settings / Device Settings. Cosmetic fixes to chart legends and Settings screen. Automatically detect meters for Power Flow chart. Tapping battery icons shows power flow chart on home screen; long press for Power Flow report.  Windows only: require long-press on Ctl and Alt keys for windowing functions.
  • 227 – Skipped.
  • 226 – Added inverter Diagnostics menu, including firmware information. Fixes: threshold data entry field; PTO in custom export; resolve Java timeouts.
  • 225 – Added production threshold setting, tied to production estimates, to send daily reports only when threshold is missed.
  • 224 – Allow registration of 5 digit Site IDs.
  • 223 – Added site registration/update wizard. Operational and cosmetic fixes.
  • 222 – Background notifier silent by default. Internal fix for storing latitude. Better handling of SolarEdge inverter serial number error.
  • 221 – Correct month chart data display. Add resizer button to landscape mode when graphs are on display.
  • 220 – Correction for Android landscape view. Added PTO override for sites lacking PTO value. Correction for Dutch translation.
  • 219 – Fixed solar panel degradation computation error. Added secondary email method for sending reports.
  • 218 – Correction for local storage of production estimates. Cosmetic tweaks. Data reset option added.
  • 217 – iOS update for app store versioning. No functional change.
  • 216 – Simplified initial Welcome screen. Minor bug fixes. Obfuscation of user API keys.

—  Version 3.0 —

Version 3.0 represents a completely re-architected product in order to support multiple platforms (Android, iOS, and Windows). Functionally it is almost identical to previous version, however the new architecture results in some minor operational and cosmetic differences. Aside from being multi-platform, the new architecture is also faster, more reliable / stable, and more responsive to the user.

  • 215 – Initial Windows release.
  • 214 – Initial iOS release.
  • 211 – Fix for missing sunrise/sunset data due to third party security certificate expiration.
  • 210 – Fixed cases where multiple end of day reports were being generated.
  • 202 – Initial release for Android. iOS and Windows releases will follow within a few weeks.

—  Version 2.5 —

Added consumption data. Added zoom to full screen charts. Added name block height adjuster. Added graph to csv email. Redesigned report screens. Extended internationalization. UI refresh.

Version 2.5 was released with revision 148 to introduce access to consumption data and new user interface features

  • 154 – Fixed error in month report change of month with phone language not in English.
  • 153 – Fixed error in MTD display.
  • 152 – Fix to prevent invalid custom report data range combinations.
  • 151 – Added privacy policy. Reinstated multi-site mode, with licensing tied to user.
  • 150 – minor bug fixes.
  • 149:
    • Added dark/light modes and synchronized to Android.
    • Added color themes for light mode.
    • Improved API throughput.
    • Direct Download (Note: the subscription function will not work by direct download – you must download from Google Play to subscribe).
  • 148:
    • Added data view and reporting for users who have consumption meters integrated with their SolarEdge inverter. Data available includes: total energy consumption, self-consumption, import from grid, and export to grid. SolarView will automatically detect whether or not you have access to this data.
    • Added radar graphs as an option in Custom Reports. These are particularly useful in viewing multiple layers of consumption data.
    • Added zoom feature for charts, data tables, and embedded help. Clicking the zoom icon opens a full screen display for the selected item.
    • Added a resizer icon on the home screen to allow the user to adjust the relative sizes of the information block and the production graph.
    • Emailing a CSV report now includes a snapshot graph as an attachment in JPEG format.
    • Report and setting screen layouts redesigned.
    • Extended internationalization to include more prompts.
    • Adjusted default color palette.
    • Improved chart access for Desktop Mode.
    • Added support for Android SDK 30.

—  Version 2.4 —

Version 2.4 was released with revision 145 to introduce the Dashboard View and new notion of graph presentation.

  • 147 – Fixed issue preventing Basic subscribers from accessing all Surplus Report functions.
  • 146:
    • Added Dashboard View for larger displays in landscape orientation. Introduced fast graph display for both Dashboard and standard views. On smaller screens (e.g., phone), these are displayed as overlay graphs and are accessed by tapping MTD, YTD, Surplus, and the Custom Reports icon. Their previous functions can be accessed by long pressing the same items, or by selecting the edit icon at the upper left corner of the graph area.
    • Improved Desktop mode automatic detection; also SolarGIS longclick forces Desktop mode.
    • Samsung DeX support for window resizing.
    • Extended internationalization support for more labels and prompts.
    • Display responsiveness improvements.
    • Home screen display now takes panel degradation selection into account for surplus / deficit production results.


—  Version 2.3 —

Version 2.3 was released with revision 122 in order to introduce a revised user interface for better maintainability and responsiveness for different screen sizes.

  • 145 – Skipped.
  • 144 – Internationalized for 20 languages including Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Polish, Hungarian, Finish, Czech, Turk.
  • 143 – Added multi-year report view. Added totals highlights for links to Month, Year, and Surplus reports.
  • 142 – Reorganized menu structure. Contact page made direct. Improved font scaling.
  • 141 – Replaced chart buttons with labels. Added version check and user shortcut in menu.
  • 140 – Cosmetic and diagnostic updates.
  • 139 – Skipped.
  • 138 – Cosmetic and diagnostic updates. (Revisions older than this will be deprecated and may cease to function after June 30, 2021.)
  • 137 – Configure Desktop Mode layout. Adjust help icons on report screens. Throttle database access for better throughput.
  • 136 – Fix bug in no site list startup.
  • 135 – Fix image display for some sites. Add location and image icons. More responsive name block painting. Finish activity prior to sitelist.
  • 134 – Fix touch of panel activating infobutton on help page. Refine new site setup.
  • 133 – Fix global settings uncaught exception. Fix font for left arrow.
  • 132 – Automate layout of name block. Fix site list setup. Fix broken left chart button.
  • 131 – Cosmetic tweak to landscape view.
  • 130 – Internal timing corrections.
  • 129 – Fix for excess API requests.
  • 128 – Improved new site setup.
  • 127 – Fixed updater bug preventing display of refreshed data.
  • 126 – Diagnostic enhancements. Handle “NO DATA” case. Pull SE report time from overview data. Fixes and testing for new sites.
  • 125 – Fix for resume / update race condition. Fix interstitial bug on surplus report. Enhanced diagnostics. Add detailed error / warning text to notifications.
  • 124 – Improved efficiency for data updates.
  • 123 – Enhanced nighttime operation.
  • 122 – Redesign UI for better size response. Faster initial chart. Tweaks to custom charts. Put updater to sleep after sunset. Better handling of excess request timeouts.


—  Version 2.2 —

Version 2.2 was released with revision 117 in order to introduce significant new reporting function enhancements.

  • 121 – Add “report back” function to custom reports. Fix flicker if icon tapped during chart draw. Add line graph option or override if no room for bar graph. UI tweaks.
  • 120 – Correctly handle new sites. UI tweaks.
  • 119 – Skipped.
  • 118 – Repaired non-functioning new site setup under certain conditions.
  • 117 – Added: report selection spinner to report pages; Primary Device checkbox; custom reports; CSV export; degradation analysis. Fixed: PTO capture; weather icon.


—  Version 2.1 —

  • 115 – Added platform and phone diagnostic info. Fixed unintentional reporting for non-pro licenses. Added SolarGIS access.
  • 112 – Diagnostic enhancements.
  • 111 – Send battery low alerts only if warnings are turned on.
  • 110 – Update GooglePlayBilling; diagnostic enhancements.
  • 109 – Treat “Throttled” as a normal condition during daytime hours.
  • 108 – Help updates.
  • 105 – Add pv active power to power flow view for non-battery systems.