Don’t like subscriptions? If you prefer, you can make a one-time payment for a perpetual license that entitles you to all product features, and all future released updates.

Lifetime License – $39.99

Please provide your Site ID and the email address you used for registering your site with us, so your license will be matched to your registration automatically. If you don’t provide this information, there will be a delay in processing your license.

SolarEdge Site ID

Your SolarView email address

Your payment for a Lifetime License is processed securely by PayPal.



  • Your license should activate automatically within 30 minutes. If it does not activate, let us know and we will resolve the issue promptly.
  • Your license is tied to your SolarEdge inverter / site, not to a specific phone or device. This means you can install SolarView on multiple devices and access your site equally on all devices.
  • If you do not provide a Site ID above, your license is matched to your site based on the email address entered above. If you are using the same email address for multiple sites, the subscription will be applied to only the first matching site in our registration database. If you wish to purchase subscriptions for more than one site, you must register each site with a different email address. The email address can be changed in the app settings if necessary.